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Let’s just start this out with the good stuff. Did anyone else grow up eating Nutella by the spoonful? Oh, you still do that? Yea, me too.

But it’s okay because it’s delicious. And you’re only having one heaping spoonful (2 max) so, it’s all good.

Let’s add that second spoonful of Nutella to some pureed banana and then freeze it!

Voila, Banana Nutella Popsicles! You’re welcome. I kept seeing recipes for Nutella pops that looked amazing but involved cool whip and heavy milk. I’m sure those taste AHmazing but I’m trying to be good right now. I’m trying so terribly hard and having cool whip in the house would not be good.

As is typical for a Monday morning, we’re going to go easy in the kitchen. And this one is ridiculously easy.

Throw some bananas in a food processor.

Blend until nicely pureed. Doesn’t really matter the thickness…it’ll all turn out the same.

Add in a few tablespoons of Nutella and blend some more.

spoonful of Nutella

Pour in popsicle molds and freeze.

The only difficult part about this “recipe” is not eating all of them in one day. I was tempted to do that.

Banana Nutella Popsicles (makes ~10 popsicles)
6 bananas (fresh or frozen)
3-4 tablespoons of Nutella
splash of milk (if you desire)

1) Place bananas in a food processor/ blender and blend until pureed.*
2) Add in Nutella and continue to mix/ blend until the Nutella is fully incorporated.
3) Add in a splash of milk if you want them creamier (I skipped this step).
4) Pour mixture into popsicles molds and freeze for at least 2 hours.
*If you want banana tips (as pictured) go ahead and pour some of the banana puree (without Nutella) into the bottoms of your popsicles molds.

Enjoy!! I had one of these almost every night for dessert and didn’t feel guitly about it! Eating one is like eating half of a banana and less than half of a tablespoon of Nutella and they’re still amazing!!

In other news: I’m moving my website over to Worpress and building a whole new design. I had NO idea how time consuming that would be!! I spent pretty much all weekend glued to my computer working on it and I got maybe half of the things done I had hoped to accomplish this weekend.

My little bit of coding knowledge has come in handy but I still pretty much have NO idea what I’m doing. I also tried my hand at designing my own logo and I’m still not sure about it. Luckily for me, I’m going for a SUPER minimalist design on the whole site.

And because I know you’re DYING to see it, I think I’ll have it up later this week. Or maybe next Monday?? I have no idea. You’ll know it when you see it :)

Needless to say, I pretty much spent no time in the kitchen this weekend and will therefore be scarce around these parts over the next week. But don’t worry (I saw the scared look in your eyes), I’ll be back next week. New and improved.

About Brita Britnell

Brita is the author of Food with Feeling which is a vegetarian based food blog. She creates easy and delicious recipes that encourage people to try more meat-free recipes!

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  1. Lindsay Living Vegan says:

    You seriously have the most amazing pictures!! You must teach me your ways :)

    1. Brita says:

      Thank you!! That means a lot. One day in the future I would really love to do a couple tutorial posts on what works for me with my photography because I think I do it a bit different than some others

  2. Ayana Pitterson says:

    OMGGGGG this looks amazing AND I can actually make this. LOVE it!

    Thrifting Diva

    1. Brita says:

      Thanks Ayana!!

  3. The Grits Blog says:

    Now, this is something that I could make. Thank you!

  4. Me And My Mini Me says:

    Yummy! My daughter loves nutella, this would be perfect for her.

    –Me And My Mini Me

  5. mary @ minutes per mile says:

    the art of blog design is so annoying and scary! haha. i’m sure you’ll get it. i just delete and add lots of symbols in my CSS until something comes out right, which usually takes forever (if it ever even happens). oh well. those pops look so good! i make banana “soft serve” sometimes by blending frozen bananas and a spoonful of chocolate/peanut butter together into something that sort of tastes like ice cream. yum.

    1. Brita says:

      That’s pretty much how it’s been for me. I keep altering numbers and text and then refreshing the page in dire hope that it fixes my problem. hah.

  6. Bri @ All Thats Glittered says:

    These look so yummy! And I would love to hear more of your thoughts on moving to WordPress!

  7. Lindsay Amabile says:

    Definitely pinning this! We are OBSESSED with Nutella at my house. YUM! Oh, and you will love wordpress! So much more flexibility, esp. for food blogs!